500k Emails | $581k In Revenue

July 2016

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Email marketing; what a phenomenal way to build relationships despite investing little out of pocket.

While making use of the ExactTarget email marketing platform, now part of the SalesForce Marketing Cloud, I sent more than a half million marketing related emails over a two year time period ending in April of 2016. Not including other reservations, concierge, and operational touch points made through the use of ExactTarget, the 500,855 marketing emails sent resulted in more than $581,593 in traceable revenue. Money in the bank!

During time spent marketing for East West Destination Hospitality, I was responsible for the oversight of all digital guest communications within it’s Beaver Creek division. Not only did this mean development and analysis of marketing promotions, but also the redesign of email templates, continual updates to the verbiage associated with reservations and operational communications for an entity representing over 250 vacation rental homes, updates to verbiage found on the website, writing copy, proofreading, and the monitoring of search engine marketing efforts among other items.

Take a moment to view a few examples of my work within the realm of email marketing below.

Display One – Promotional Marketing Communications – Click Here
Points of interest:
• Targeted email list based on geographic location
• Campaign specific 800 number
• Personalized subject line and body copy to include guest’s “%%firstName%%” and “%%state%%”
• Drafting of all copy

Display Two – Internal Companywide Newsletter – Click Here
Points of interest:
• Development of communications template
• Design of header logo found here; not seen in the analysis version of this e-blast
• Collaboration with multiple divisions of the organization
• Implementation and editing of copy

Display Three – Working Draft of Pre Arrival Letter – Click Here
Points of interest:
• Development of communications template
• Personalized message based on guest arrival date and unit type

In addition, here is a quantitative breakdown of results produced from promotional marketing e-blasts:
• 500,855 emails sent
• $581,593 in traceable revenue
• 58 bookings
• 616 calls
• 3.3% unique click through average
• 25.24% average open rate

2014/2015 year over year email marketing comparison:
• 273% increase in bookings
• 174% increase in calls
• 187% increase in unique clicks
• 230% increase in number of emails sent