The Power of a Social Media “Share”.

August 2013

When I started shooting for the GoPro Team it was always a goal to have them share one of my photos with their network of nearly 6,000,000 Facebook fans. Given a shot list to complete during the 2013 Winter Mountain Games, this was my first experience using a GoPro and producing usable still images had proven to be more challenging than originally anticipated. I put together this photo album from the hundreds of images I had taken, but overall was unsatisfied with the final results.

I continued to shoot and focused on producing more content as the Summer GoPro Mountain Games drew nearer. The award medals for the games were delivered to the Vail Valley Foundation in early April and I soon found myself shooting GoPro images with them in the nearby Eagle River. I posted one of my images of the medals to The Mountain Games Facebook Page  and success! My original post was shared by GoPro hours later and shared a second time after nearly a month.

Thanks to the power of GoPro’s huge Facebook network, the results were pretty impressive. Over 270,000 unique people seen the post, there were more than 16,000 engaged users and 11,000 photo views, 4,066 likes, 88 shares, and 59 comments. In addition to an increase in followers to The Mountain Games Facebook Page, not too bad for a days work!