Building – A Series: Post One, Building A Marketing Plan

February 2013

Post One: Building A Marketing Plan for

Building this site has proven to be a challenge and a learning experience all in itself. After spending a fair amount of time within content management systems for the Vail Valley Foundation, I decided to put myself to the test and build my own Wordpress site. Managing content for a multitude of sites including,,,,, as well as assisting in the process of launching a new site for the VVF that would combine the multiple legacy sites previously listed, provided me with exposure to various content management systems and modes of brand management.

It’s now up to me to continue to build my own brand! This post will be continuously updated with things I am currently learning as I build out By the time I feel the site is ready to be published, I’m sure a large majority of material covered here will seem elementary BUT, I need some content for the blog! So, here’s to blogging and putting together what will surely turn out to be a good/great/awesome site(you can be the judge).

January 2013 Initiatives

I had thought about launching my own site previously but it never came to fruition until 2013. I invested in the services provided by a web host and purchased the domain name Well, I technically had a website, now what to do with it? I approached the development of the site like you would a marketing plan.

Outlining A Vision For The Site will be used as a tool to showcase my current skill set to potential employers, a venue to display and sell work from MountainKid Photography, and an area to blog about current happenings and interests for friends and family.

Defining Objectives

  1. Blog about things that I am currently learning, things I find interesting, or about adventures in my life.
  2. Build a showcase for MountainKid Photography.

Setting Key Performance Indicators

  1. Have X amount of traffic to site
  2. Leveraging the sites contents during interviews

Establishing Strategies To Exceed Goals Set Within KPIs

Tracking Against KPIs

Adjusting Tactics & Strategies As Necessary